Posted: 22nd February 2019
Posted in: School News
>> Coding Lessons
All students from Foundation to Year 4 started coding lessons last week! Hosted by SCOPE-IT Education, these lessons form part of the Harkaway Hills Technology Plan, forming educated digital citizens who understand the language of new technologies, and know how to use these technologies constructively, as opposed to for entertainment. The first week of classes went very well – we can’t wait to see how the children grow in their coding skills over coming weeks.
>> Hands-on Science
Our chickens have arrived and are hatching! What better way to learn about how to care for Living Things than having our very own hatching chickens over the coming weeks. No amount of technology can replace this hands-on approach to Science. We are sure you will be hearing many stories about the Harkaway Hills College chickens in the days ahead.
>> S.A.L.T Religion Program
We have also started our S.A.L.T Religion Program in the past week, which includes a hands-on approach to understanding the Gospel, the Liturgy, and to help children grow in their personal relationship with Jesus. Dr Anne-Marie Irwin spent three days at Harkaway Hills College setting up our Religion resources and working through the program with staff. The students are so lucky to be engaging in their Religion lessons in such a dynamic way!
>> Motto
This weeks Motto is “I look after my own things”, and students were reminded about the importance of being responsible for their own belongings. The Prep class should now know what the word ‘responsible’ means. A tip for the weeks ahead… keep asking your children “was that responsible?” so that they connect their actions at home with the virtues they are learning at school.
For more on the Term 1 Motto Program, all are welcome to attend the Virtues Talk at 10am in the New Building on Tuesday 26 February, following the Parent Mass. Preschoolers are welcome to join a Storytime session in the Parent Room during this talk.
>> Key Parent Function
What a wonderful evening we had on Friday 15 February for the first key Parent Function of 2019. The classroom teachers were very happy with the engaging questions and conversations that took place in their classrooms. Thank you all for your support, attendance and your attention during the busy evening packed with information and networking.