Spirituality and Christian Ethos

The Christian ethos of schools like Harkaway Hills College is inspired by the spirituality of St Josemaría and Opus Dei:

— God as Father – as Christians we are children of God. Living with this awareness brings peace, security and confidence. We can abandon all our problems and worries, big and small, into his loving arms.

— Holiness in Ordinary Life – by virtue of their baptism, all Christians have a vocation to holiness. This message was at the core of the Second Vatican Council. Pope John Paul II called St Josemaría the ‘precursor to Vatican II’.

“All Christian faithful, of whatever state or rank, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity….The laity, by their vocation, seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God.” Vatican II Lumen Gentium 

— Sanctification of Work – Christ’s life as a worker is the model for our own encounter with God. For 30 years he lived an ordinary life, loving God and serving others through his work. St Josemaría taught that Christians should be ‘contemplatives in the middle of the world’, living in a constant, loving conversation with God through professional, family, social and civic duties.

— Life of Prayer – St Josemaría taught a very practical approach to living one’s faith, emphasising the sacraments, particularly Mass and Reconciliation, and reading the scriptures, and dedicating time to personal prayer.

— Love for Freedom – Christians have the same rights and duties as other citizens and respect the freedom and opinion of others. They act with freedom and responsibility in professional, family, political, financial and social activities.

— Apostolic Spirit – all Christians are called by their example and by their word to bring others to know and love Christ. St Josemaría encouraged Christians and all people of good will to join together to promote initiatives including youth clubs, hospitals, universities and schools, building a more just and peaceful society.

“Apostolate is love for God that overflows and communicates itself to others…. A necessary outward manifestation of interior life.” – St Josemaría, Christ is Passing By 122 

While always respecting freedom of conscience, Harkaway Hills students are encouraged to develop a loving relationship with God. Discovering the Divine in daily life gives them the confidence to contemplate the big questions and the hope that fills their journey with meaning and purpose. Our Religious Education program offers students a solid grounding in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith.

Harkaway Hill’s Chaplains are priests of Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church that helps lay people integrate their faith with their family and friendships, their study and professional work, and all of the ordinary circumstances of their lives.