On Thursday 3rd December, Harkaway Hills College ended the Academic School Year with a magnificent outdoor Christmas Concert. We were blessed with beautiful weather and a relaxing of restrictions which meant we were able to give the parents, staff and students something very special to close of what has been a huge year.

A very huge thank you must go to our Christmas Concert team: Julia Avila, Mariana Kelly, Bernadette Price, Michelle Duff, Natalie Everard, Liz Harradine, Joanne Hack, Helen Mulipola, and Sally Faragher. These incredible Mums dropped everything less than 2 weeks ago to ensure the children had a more extraordinary Christmas concert than we ever thought was possible.

Thank you also to our music team – Johanna Chavez for conducting and teaching the students over the past term, Ianthe Lim and Anthony O’Shea for accompanying, and to Johanna O’Farrell for preparing the script read beautifully by our Grade 5 girls.

What a special way to end the Year 2020 at Harkaway Hills College!